Weld tube mill
Materials : Ferritic, Austenitic, Titanium, High nickel
Application : EGR Cooler, Shock absorber & Head rest, Exhaust pipe, Condensers, Heat exchangers etc.
Origin: Japan
laser outer weld bead Online inspection on tube pipe mill
A laser-based 3D post-weld inspection system designed to detect quality issues related to the forming, welding and scarfing processes on HFW Tube & Pipe mills.
Origin: Canada
V angle geometry measurement Online on tube pipe mill
The thermal camera along with dedicated software can evaluate process geometry online on the weld tube pipe mill and measure relative seam position, width and angle temperatures at user defined points.
Origin: Canada
Weld V angle measurement
Pipe ID scarf monitoring system
This is an ultrasonic device that scans the pipe ID weld zone and monitors the quality of the flash removal process.
The effect of the inside (ID) flash removal is unknown and unseen. This system makes the results of flash removal visually apparent to the mill operator by generating a series of cross-sectional views of the weld zone almost as soon as it is trimmed.
Using this information, the mill operator can make corrections and adjustments to the ID flash tool on the fly, or if necessary, production can be halted for tool changes before a lot of scrap material has been produced.
Origin: Canada
flux leakage On-line weld line testing for ERW tube & pipe
Key Features
- For weld seam in carbon steel tubes, on-line, at high speeds.
- Suitable for diameters of 12mm and up.
- Capable of testing Galvanized and Aluminized product.
- Calibrates to 10% OD & ID notches and 0.8mm holes.
- Superior Absolute & Differential operation compared to Eddy Current inspection systems.
- Complete Data Logging of all on-line Test Parameters easily stored, retrieved, hard-copied or downloaded.
Origin: Canada
UT NDT for ERW Pipes
Ultrasonic On-line & Off-line weld testing for ERW tube & pipe
Key Features
- Advanced transducer technology.
- Multi-probe test heads are easy to set-up and calibrate.
- Ideal for inspecting to API-5L, API-5CT and ISO standards.
- Robust mechanical construction.
- Complete Data Logging of all on-line Test Parameter data is easily stored, retrieved, hard-copied or downloaded.
- Instant recall of previously used setups.
Origin: Canada
Ultrasonic strip and plate inspection for lamination defects & gauge compliance
The Ultrasonic monitor for pipe skelp or strip material is a multi-channel unit that measures and records material gauge as well as checking for laminations and segregations in the material.
Key Features
- Coverage from 10% to 100% of material surface.
- Unused transducers can be “parked” to suit different strip widths.
- Alarm function can be tailored to defect size or area.
- Outer transducers can be set up to follow strip edges.
- Complete Data Logging of all on-line Test Parameters easily stored, retrieved, hard-copied or downloaded.
Origin: Canada

Ultrasonic SAW pipe inspection
Ultrasonic testing of SAW (welded spiral) pipe is used to meet API and other codes of practice. The system includes an automated laser guided weld tracking subsystem, special transducer holder with multi-channel processing technology.
Key Features
- Multi probe test heads are easy to set-up and calibrate.
- Tandem probes offered to ensure full cross-section testing.
- Flexible scope of supply with a wide variety of options.
- Complete data logging provides accurate records of all test parameters and test results.
Origin: Canada
Pipe ID - laser 3D scan surface inspection and geometry measurements
Laser based internal geometry measurement of tubes, bores, pipes, containers (360° ID 2D section scan & 3D model of surface defects, ovality, circular deviation, Length) using pipe crawling robots and sensors.
Origin: Germany
Pipe ID laser measurements
Continuous annealing simulation test of thin steel sheet
This system makes it possible to precisely achieve thermal treatment simulations of processes for steel and iron materials.
Key Features
- Accurate temperature programming of samples is possble by using an Infrared Gold Image Furnace.
- The cooling method can be selected from gas cooling, mist cooling, and water cooling
- Also capable of dew point atmosphere control
Origin: Japan
Industry 4.0 & Automation for SAW, ERW pipe producers
Specialize in automation and Industry 4.0 implementation for SAW and
ERW pipe manufacturers. The smart digital platform includes modular
applications that offers end-to-end solutions using IOT platform, big data,
digital twins, AI and user interface applications.
Origin: Turkey
ERP forTube & Pipe Industry
Our ERP for Steel Tubes & Pipe (producers, processors and traders) can be deployed on-premises or cloud hosted. It is customizable, scalable and has mobile access.
- Dashboards, Analytics, Reports and Alerts
- Inventory Management
- Finance, Purchase
- Planning, Production & QC
- Project Management
- Sales ,CRM
- Customer Vendor Portal
Origin: India
Chamfering Machines (Pipes & Rod edges)
Beveling and chamfering at the tube ends is used to remove burrs after cutting of the tubes or to make the bevels for welding of the tube ends.
Chamfer units ensure that the outside and inside diameter are beveled as well as the alignment of the tube face.
In the same way it is possible to bevel the rods or hexagon edges.
Chamfer units ensure that the outside and inside diameter are bevelled as well as the alignment of the tube face. Chamfer ranges are 2 – 10 mm x 30, 45 or 60 degrees.
Origin: Czech Republic
Flying & Disc Saw cutting of Pipes & Rods
Flying saws are designed to cut pipes and bars into precise lengths with continuous movement of the pipe in the line.
- Split diameters, profiles: 6 – 120 mm
- Length after division: 3 –21 m
- Feed speed of pipe, rod: up to 2,0 m/sec
- Cutting accuracy: +- 1,5 mm
Disc saws are intended to cut the tubes and rods to the exact lengths. The scope of the cut tubes is in range from 6 to 140 mm.
Cutting of tubes to the proper lengths with an accuracy of + – 0.5 mm / 6 m length.
A flying saw can be used for continuous cutting if the tubes are moved at a speed up to 1.0 m/s.
Origin: Czech Republic
Straightening of pipes
Vertical opposing 10 rolls. Multi-roll straightening machine
Tube/pipe range from OD 5 – 150 mm
Origin: Japan
Packaging machines for tubes & rods
The tubes and rods are automatically packed to the square or hexagonal shape.
A bundle is automatically created based on the diameter of the tubes and required bundle size.
- Profiles to bundle: Round, hexagon, square, rectangles, profile steel
- Pipe diameters: 6 – 120 mm
- Lengths of tubes, rods: 3 – 18 mm
- Bundle size hexagon, square: up to 600 mm
- Bundle weight: up to 6000 kg
- Strapping cycle: Approx. 60 sec per tape
Origin: Czech Republic
Telescopic tongs for sheet & coils
Use for handling loads with rectangular and circular cross-sections in manual and semi-automated operations for hanging on a crane hook.
- Hydraulic drive for clamping force
- Handling at different temperature
- Optical and acoustic signalling
- Full automation
- Slewing bearing (in range up to 350°)
- Use of anti-radiation covers for high temperatures
- Equipped with a ring collector (rotation – unlimited)
Origin: Czech Republic
Hydraulic tongs
Manipulation with the loads with rectangular and circular cross-sections
For hanging on a hook of crane or forklift
Suitable both for inner and outer use, horizontal and vertical position
One or two scissor mechanisms
Full grip automation
Manipulation at different temperatures
Light signalization
Equipped with jaws or polyurethane casing Secutex
Examples of practical use: coils, paper rolls, barrels, bars, slabs, concrete slabs or prefabricated parts
Origin: Czech Republic